Search Results for: eternity

Showing 1-24 of 65 results for eternity

The Palace of Eternity

The Palace of Eternity


Bob Shaw

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Shrouded by its shell of drifting lunar fragments, the planet Mnemosyne is a refuge for creative artists and poets, a place isolated from the desperate, losing struggle of the humans against the Syccans.

But then COMsac, theFederation’s High Command, come to Mnemosyne, and suddenly the planet is more a military colony than a place for artists.

For Mack Taverner, the dilemma is stark: either go along with the brutal military visitation or join the hopeless resitance and become a ‘traitor’. His choice has awesome and extraordinary consequenses . . .
The Pillars of Eternity

The Pillars of Eternity


Barrington J. Bayley

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When the Colonnaders plucked him from a life of misery and their surgeons rebuilt his twisted body with silicon bones, Joachim Boaz renamed himself after THE PILLARS OF ETERNITY. Now he seeks Meirjaihn the Wanderer, a planet that plots its own course between stars: for on its surface lies a gem that offers mastery over time itself . . .
Edge of Eternity

Edge of Eternity


John E. Muller, John Glasby

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These were the last weeks and days before the end of the world, before total destruction overwhelmed Earth and every living thing on the surface of the planet. No one knew exactly how long they had before the sun turned nova and destroyed not only Earth but all of the other planets in the Solar System. For mankind, the only excape lay in flight to the stars, to Alpha Centauri, more than four light years distant.

The hyperdrive, capable of carrying them there at close to the speed of light had been developed, but as yet had not been perfected. In a world without a future, the starships were the only salvation of mankind and they could save only a minute fraction of the population of Earth.

Panic is there, but temporarily forgotten by most, as the plans for a mass exodus are speeded up, as the long hours of mounting tension draw to a close and Judgement Day, when the world shall be destroyed by fire, is mo longer a hazy time in the far future, but something very close and very terrible. For those who remained behind, there could be no escape; death would come suddenly, eight minutes after the nova explosion. For those who fled the Solar System in the starships, untried and working on principles only partially understood, there was only the long, terrible journey through the endless night, not knowing what lay at the end of it.
Threshold of Eternity

Threshold of Eternity


John Brunner

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Because of a twist in the structure of Time, three strangers were brought unexpectedly together: Red Hawkins of California, Chantal Vareze of London and a man from the 41st Century. Their meeting seemed an impossible prank of a universe gone mad – but it turned out to be quite otherwise.

For it seemed there was a war going on throughout space and time. A war fought by men of different epochs, on planets of different cultures, but for a cause that all could acknowledge – the very continued existence of creation itself.

And the coming together of these three very unlikely people – a modern man, a lovely girl and a futurian soldier – was to prove the master stroke of a super-science strategy that had already brought humanity to the THRESHOLD OF ETERNITY.
The Eternal Lover

The Eternal Lover


Edgar Rice Burroughs

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While visiting Tarzan in his African jungle home, and American girl falls into the most astonishing science-fiction adventure of all. By a quirk in Time, a white-skinned savage from the Stone Age is thrust forward to modern days long enough to meet her and bring her back to his own world of cave-people, saver-tooth tigers, and prehistorical wilderness.
Highway of Eternity

Highway of Eternity


Clifford D. Simak

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It all began simply enough. A client had vanished, and Jay Corcoran went to investigate the man’s empty hotel suite. But Corcoran’s trick vision spotted the room-sized box stuck to the outside wall of the suite. There was no way to get into the box, so Corcoran cabled his long-time pal Tom Boone.

Boone had a talent. When threatened he could “step around a corner” into some otherwhere. Boone stepped into the box, taking Corcoran with him. The box turned out to be a time traveler machine that transported them back to 1745 England, where they found a family of refugees from a million years in the future. In that far future, alien Infinites were converting humanity to incorporeal form. When the family had refused conversion, they had to flee. For more than a century, the family had lain hidden in their time bubble.

Suddenly, the Infinites’ killer monster broke through–and things grew complicated as the family fled to the distant past and the farther future.
The Eternal Footman

The Eternal Footman


James Morrow

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“The Eternal Footman” completes Morrow’s darkly comic trilogy about God’s untimely demise. With God’s skull in orbit, competing with the moon, a plague of “death awareness” spreads across the Western hemisphere. As the United States sinks into apocalypse, two people fight to preserve life and sanity. One is Nora Burkhart, a schoolteacher who will stop at nothing to save her only son, Kevin. The other is the genius sculptor Gerard Korty, who struggles to create a masterwork that will heal the metaphysical wounds of the age.
Eternal Light

Eternal Light


Paul McAuley

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In the aftermath of an interstellar war an enigmatic star is discovered, travelling towards the Solar System from the galactic core. Its appearance adds a new and dangerous factor in the turbulent politics of the inhabited worlds as the rival factions – the power-holders of the ReUnited Nations, the rebels who secretly oppose their power, and the Religious Witnesses – all see advantages to be gained.

But what awesome technology started the star on its journey half a million years ago – and why?
The Eternal Champion

The Eternal Champion


Michael Moorcock

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The first book of The Eternal Champion trilogy.

Erekose is the Eternal Champion: pulled by the tides of chance through a thousand worlds and ages. In his lonely search for peace and justice all he can trust are his own courage and enduring passion. Across magical landscapes, fantastic worlds without end, he strides – eternal hero, eternal warrior, eternal lover – forever defying destiny and lifting his brave sword against the cruel, cold logic of the Multiverse…
The Order of the Eternal Sun

The Order of the Eternal Sun


Jessica Leake

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Lucy Sinclair’s debut will be a parade of everything opulent Edwardian London society has to offer. Most importantly, it will be nothing like her older sister’s dangerous experience-especially if her overprotective brother-in-law, Lord Thornewood, has his way. As if screening her dance partners isn’t enough, Thornewood insists that his brother, James, train Lucy in self-defense. She wouldn’t mind so much if her treacherous mind didn’t continue to replay the kiss they once shared.

But awkward defense lessons are the least of her problems. Her arcana, a magical talent that allows her to mentally enter any scene that she draws, grows stronger by the day. Again and again Lucy is compelled to draw a portal to her mother’s realm of Sylvania-and with each stroke of her pen, she risks attracting the attention of the Order of the Eternal Sun, the sinister brotherhood that steals the power of Sylvani blood for their own dark ends.

When a bold new suitor arrives from India, Lucy can’t help but be intrigued-though her family questions his mysterious past. But as Lucy’s own suspicions grow, and the threat of the Order looms larger, Lucy will have to learn to harness her unpredictable power or risk falling under the Order’s shadow forever.
Sailing Bright Eternity

Sailing Bright Eternity


Gregory Benford

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The final chapter of humanity’s future has begun and one man, Nigel Walmsley, has been alive through it all. An ancient scientist from the distant past, Walmsley had been marooned inside an anomaly of time and space. From here he recalls Earth’s desperate struggle against the mechs, a violent artificial intelligence dedicated to total annihilation.

In a strange space-time continuum called the Esty, the last few survivors from humanity’s ravaged planets have taken refuge, readying themselves for a final stand against their ruthless executioners.

Three generations of men stand between the mechs and total oblivion for the human race: Toby Bishop, a young warrior-in-training; Killeen Bishop, Toby’s father and leader of the last remnants of humanity; and Killeen’s own father, long believed dead, but now mysteriously returned to his family.

As the mechs continue to carve their swathe of destruction through the galaxy, these three men hold the sole hope for the survival of the human race.
Phoenix in Obsidian

Phoenix in Obsidian


Michael Moorcock

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The second book of The Eternal Champion trilogy.

As Erekose, the Eternal Champion, he slew the human race that had betrayed his ideals. And loved Ermizhad, the Eldren princess

The the voices called him and he was powerless to resist. As Fate’s soldier, the Eternal One, his lot was to vanquish tyranny. Sent tumbling through the corridors of eternity, he found himself transformed. Now Urlik Skarsol – he is the Prince of the Southern Ice.

To find his way home, Urlik Skarsol must take up the Black Sword, the monstrous weapon that demands blood – be it friend’s or foe’s – before his tortured soul can rest.
Before the powers of Evil can be conquered.
Before he can rediscover Ermizhad.
Before he can know peace again …
The King of the Swords

The King of the Swords


Michael Moorcock

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Prince Corum Jhaelin Irsei: the Eternal Champion.

With his plane at war with itself, thanks to the machinations and magic of Chaos, Prince Corum, his beloved Rhalina and the eternal companion Jhary-a-Conel must travel to the last five planes to confront Mabelode, the King of the Swords.

Joining forces with other aspects of the Eternal Champion – Elric and Ereköse – Corum must rescue Rhalina from the Chaos Lord’s minions before attempting to defeat the King of the Swords and free his plane from its madness. But the stakes are also personal for Corum, for the captain who commands the forces of chaos is the same savage Mabden who slaughtered Corum’s family…
One More Sunday

One More Sunday


John D. MacDonald

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Welcome to the Eternal Church of the Believer, where devout workers operate state-of-the-art computer equipment to process the thousands of dollars that pour in daily and where hundreds of prayers are offered by armies of believers.

Roy Owens arrives there after his journalist wife disappears while doing an exposé on the Eternal Church of the Believer. Embroiled in a desperate search for her, it is not long before he uncovers a multimillion-dollar organization that hides the vices and human failings of the people behind the church.
Thongor in the City of Magicians

Thongor in the City of Magicians


Lin Carter

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The magician’s eyes gleamed with emerald hellfires as he looked at the council of nine.

“Let us enact upon Thongor of Valkarth the most terrible punishment conceivable to the human intelligence…the eternal slavery of the soul to Chaos.”

If the curse is carried out, Thongor’s body and soul will suffer throughout eternity. But much more than only Thongor’s fate is at stake. The Magicians of Zaar plan the conquest of the whole of Lemuria – and only Thongor stands in their way.

Can Thongor’s mighty sword keep his world from being enslaved by the sinister servants of Chaos?
The Dragon in the Sword

The Dragon in the Sword


Michael Moorcock

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The third book of The Eternal Champion trilogy.

John Daker is the Eternal Champion, trapped in a dimensionless plane outside of time, defender and destroyer of justice, a hero whose quest for justice leads only further into darkness.

Haunted by the memories of too many battles waged during countless lifetimes, he searches for the beautiful Ermizhad – and for the key that will allow him to step off the wheel of infinite incarnations. His is a voyage on a dark ship piloted by a blind helmsman, through the slave stalls of the Cannibal Ghost Women and the tunnels of doom to a monstrous confrontation with the Evil that could plunge the world into the final night of oblivion.
The Last Star at Dawn

The Last Star at Dawn


Oliver Johnson

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In the final volume of this epic fantasy, good is pitted against evil when the worshipers of the God of Light battle the servants of Eternal Night for the future of Thrull.
The Shores of Death

The Shores of Death


Michael Moorcock

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With Earth teetering on the brink of extinction, only one man dares to defy the legacy of the Spaceraiders – Clovis Marca, the twilight man.

Long ago Earth, now fixed on her axis, with eternal day on one side, eternal night on the other and a ribbon of twilight in between, was ravaged by galactic raiders. Earthlings recovered, grew stronger. But now, unable to reproduce, the last humans are frenzied with final decadence. And fear.

Only Clovis Marca, the last man born on Earth, dares to brave infected space to seek the impossible solution. His dark quest leads him to face Orlando Sharvis, the scientist whose insane experiments on his own mind and body might just save the human race… but would that race then be more, or less, human?
Day by Night

Day by Night


Tanith Lee

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The planet did not rotate. On one side eternal day, the sun shining down hotly from the centre of the heavens. On the opposite side eternal night, the stars glowing coldly in the black and airless sky.

Yet the planet had been colonised. In ages past civilisation had dug into the rock of the darkside and had thrived. Aristocrats vied with aristocrats, and the poor, as ever, struggled to keep home and body together against the ever-encroaching cold surface.

To keep the lower classes happy, Vitra, the storyteller, spun romantic sagas on the popular network. She imagined a strange world on the sunside, inhabited by men and women enmeshed in crime and love, schemes and intrigues.

Vitra believed she was making this up. But was she? Was there really another civilisation on the bright side and could it be that what she related was not fiction – but events which would inevitably send both worlds out of synch to mutual disaster?
The Satanists

The Satanists


Robert Holdstock

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The serenity of the countryside is shattered by the dark and brutal rituals of the past…

The Satanists

The undreamt-of horrors of the night herald, for them, the promise of eternal life, despite the memory of one man’s shattered body nailed to a cross. But the Messiah has been dead two thousand years. Now is the time of the Anti-Christ…
The Forging of the Shadows

The Forging of the Shadows


Oliver Johnson

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It is a time of great darkness, when the sun is in danger of being forever extinguished, and mankind has been divided into two warring factions: the worshipers of the God of Light and the servants of Eternal Night. Now three unsuspecting travelers are called by prophecy to face a legion of the undead and the powers of the Dark Lord in the faint hope of reclaiming the world for the light.
Blue Cordon

Blue Cordon


Denis Hughes, Dee Carter

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When Lieutenant Thomas Savage of the Polar Warfare Research Section found the frozen corpse of a woman from another age, little did he know what fearful realms her supernatural influence would lead him into. By taking the Blue Cordon from her mummified body he opened the way to a journey through Fear and the Land of Eternal Dark . . .
Sojan the Swordsman

Sojan the Swordsman


Michael Moorcock

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Sojan the Swordsman is Michael Moorcock’s very first published character, the precursor to the Eternal Champion. Heavily influenced by the pulp tales of Robert E. Howard and Edgar Rice Burroughs, this is the tale of the hero Sojan Shieldbearer as he travels across the planet Zylor encountering strange races and even stranger monsters in a fast-paced adventure in the tradition of John Carter of Mars and Esau Cairns of Almuric.
Close to Critical

Close to Critical


Hal Clement

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Shrouded in eternal gloom by its own thick atmosphere, Tenebra was a hostile planet: a place of crushing gravity, 370-degree temperatures, a constantly shifting crust and giant drifting raindrops. Uncompromising – yet there was life, intelligent life on Tenebra. For more than twenty years, Earth scientists had studied the natives from an orbiting laboratory… and had even found a way to train and educate a few of them.
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