Search Results for: son-of-man

Showing 11-20 of 34 results for son-of-man

Son of the Tree and Other Stories

Son of the Tree and Other Stories


Jack Vance

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“The Tree ruled the horizons, shouldered aside the clouds, and wore thunder and lightning like a wreath of tinsels. It was the soul of life, trampling and vanquishing the inert, and Joe understood how it had come to be worshipped by the first marvelling settlers on Kyril.” Joe Smith is roaming the galaxy in search of the man who has stolen his love’s heart. During his travels he becomes involved with a power struggle taking part between two worlds – one religious, the other cultural – over possession of a developing, but potentially lucrative, third.
The Languages of Pao

The Languages of Pao


Jack Vance

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The Panarch of Pao is dead and Beran Panasper, his young son and heir, must flee the planet to live and avenge his father’s death. It is at the secret fortress on the planet Breakness that Beran discovers the dreaded truth behind the assassination of his father-and much more. The people of Pao are a docile lot, content to live in harmony with the rest of the cosmos, but the scientists at Breakness seek to alter the psychology of the Paonese for their own purpose-and Beran holds the key to their audacious plan. Beran will return to Pao, transforming his home world beyond his teacher’s wildest dreams. But though he has been fashioned into a man of Breakness, Beran’s heart is of Pao. And he brings to his world the seeds of change that will save Pao…or destroy it.



Richard Cowper

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Tom Jones is naïve, impressionable and very, very willing. His chief talent is conversing with dolphins in the Aquatic Mammals Division of HMS Profundis, a gargantuan submarine destined to roam the ocean depths for a century following the nuclear holocaust.

Years pass and mad captain succeeds mad captain. Eventually the ship falls under the command of one Admiral Prood, a kind, understanding man who finally comes to a startling conclusion. He is God the Father. The Almighty Himself. And all he needs now is a son to sit at his right hand.

Enter the innocent Tom Jones.
Dangerous Visions

Dangerous Visions


Harlan Ellison

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Anthologies seldom make history, but Dangerous Visions is a grand exception. Harlan Ellison’s 1967 collection of science fiction stories set an almost impossibly high standard, as more than a half dozen of its stories won major awards – not surprising with a contributors list that reads like a who’s who of 20th-century SF:

Evensong by Lester del Rey | Flies by Robert Silverberg | The Day After the Day the Martians Came by Frederik Pohl | Riders of the Purple Wage by Philip José Farmer | The Malley System by Miriam Allen deFord | A Toy for Juliette by Robert Bloch | The Prowler in the City at the Edge of the World by Harlan Ellison | The Night That All Time Broke Out by Brian W. Aldiss | The Man Who Went to the Moon – Twice by Howard Rodman | Faith of Our Fathers by Philip K. Dick | The Jigsaw Man by Larry Niven | Gonna Roll the Bones by Fritz Leiber | Lord Randy, My Son by Joe L. Hensley | Eutopia by Poul Anderson | Incident in Moderan and The Escaping by David R. Bunch | The Doll-House by James Cross | Sex and/or Mr. Morrison by Carol Emshwiller | Shall the Dust Praise Thee? by Damon Knight | If All Men Were Brothers, Would You Let One Marry Your Sister? by Theodore Sturgeon | What Happened to Auguste Clarot? by Larry Eisenberg | Ersatz by Henry Slesar | Go, Go, Go, Said the Bird by Sonya Dorman | The Happy Breed by John Sladek | Encounter with a Hick by Jonathan Brand | From the Government Printing Office by Kris Neville | Land of the Great Horses by R. A. Lafferty | The Recognition by J. G. Ballard | Judas by John Brunner | Test to Destruction by Keith Laumer | Carcinoma Angels by Norman Spinrad | Auto-da-Fé by Roger Zelazny | Aye, and Gomorrah by Samuel R. Delany

Unavailable for 15 years, this huge anthology now returns to print, as relevant now as when it was first published.



E.C. Tubb

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On Angado’s planet, there was a man who knew the whereabouts of the lost Earth. Earl Dumarest, born on Earth, longed to find the way home. Because they were comrades in arms, Angado would help Earl find that man – for a price.

For Angado was returning to a complex of high-tech cunning and high-wealth power . . . the prodigal son against whom all would plot. The Cyclan, who had put a fabulous price on Dumarest’s head, were also closing in. But Dumarest was willing to stay to the bitter end – for the priceless reward of forgotten Terra.

(First published 1984)
Son of Man

Son of Man


Robert Silverberg

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There was no Brooklyn, no St. Louis, no Shakespeare, no moon, no hunger, no death . . .

There were no real men, no real women, nothing but the dispassionately passionate ambisexuals of the lowest and highest order . . .

The heavens, the seas and the Earth belonged to a more intelligent species than a man called Clay could ever have dreamed possible in his own time . . . but his own time as a man had passed, and now his time as the son of man had come!
Trujillo and Other Stories

Trujillo and Other Stories


Lucius Shepard

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In the town of Trujillo, in Honduras, on the edge of the Mosquito Coast, Dr. Arturo Ochoa, a semi-retired psychiatrist, has a single patient: a troubled young man named Thomas Stearns, the son of a wealthy Atlanta family.

Stearns has been found adrift on the Caribbean in a vessel owned by two Nicaraguans, both of whom are missing; he has been alone for eighteen days and has little memory of that time. Suspected of murder, Stearns is unconcerned. He knows his family will buy off the police. But he is reluctant to leave Trujillo, having developed an odd affinity for the town.

As therapy progresses, he tells of a mysterious stone figure regurgitated by, improbably, a whirlpool, and Dr. Ochoa – drawn into his pathology – begins to doubt not only Stearns’ sanity, but his own . . .



Brian Lumley

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Richard Garrison was once a corporal in the British Military Police, until a terrorist’s bomb destroyed his eyesight and his career. Repaying Garrison for saving his wife and child from the blast, millionaire industrialist Thomas Schroeder introduced him to the Psychomech, an amazing machine that could either gift its users with astonishing mental powers – or destroy them utterly.

Having successfully harnessed the Psychomech, Garrison discovered the Psychosphere, a strange plane of existence where mental abilities were all. Thought became intent, word became deed, and Garrison became unto a god.

Two decades later, Garrison is utilising his unique powers to explore the universe. On Earth, his son, Richard Stone, is happily in love, until his beloved falls victim to “The Gibbering”, a plague of madness that destroys men and women by destroying their minds. There is no obvious cause. There is no cure. There are no survivors.

When Richard Stone is himself infected by The Gibbering, the mental powers he inherited from his father enable him to defeat the madness, at least for a while. Then, to his horror, Stone discovers that the Psychomech has run amok and that The Gibbering is the result! Even though the insanity it creates batters his struggling mind, Stone realises he is the only man with the knowledge and power capable of destroying the berserker mind-machine.
Necroscope The Lost Years Vol 2 (aka Resurgence)

Necroscope The Lost Years Vol 2 (aka Resurgence)


Brian Lumley

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Harry Keogh, the Necroscope, the man who can talk to the dead, the Earth’s greatest vampire hunter, has been searching for his wife and infant son, gone missing during Harry’s war against the vampires. This obsession has left him open to subtle influence by an ancient vampire, Radu. Entombed in amber, trapped in undeath, Radu plans for his resurrection and plots the destruction of other vampires who might challenge his supremacy.

Thus, Radu’s enemies are now Harry’s – and Harry cannot properly defend himself. His powers – his deadspeak and his ability to transport himself through the Mobius Continuum – are locked away in the recesses of his vampire-clouded mind.

But Harry is not without allies, living and dead. E-Branch, the psychic spy organisation, is worried about Harry. So is Harry’s long-dead Ma, and the ancient philosopher and prophet Nostradamus, whose centuries-old quatrains make eerie sense in the modern world.

Right now, Harry Keogh doesn’t even know he’s the Necroscope. But Earth’s teeming dead won’t let him forget them for long – and won’t let him forget that Radu and his vampire kind are humanity’s deadliest enemies.
Necroscope The Lost Years Vol 1

Necroscope The Lost Years Vol 1


Brian Lumley

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And neither does Harry Keogh, the world’s greatest vampire hunter, the Necroscope, the man who can talk to the dead. Right now, he’s desperately searching for his wife and son, who disappeared in the midst of Harry’s war against the undead monsters that plague mankind. Others will have to carry on that fight until the Necroscope has been reunited with his beloved family.

But it’s not that easy to leave the vampire war behind. The bloodsuckers know that the Necroscope is their deadliest enemy and will do anything to destroy him.

Harry struggles to locate his missing family, not realising that he has become a pawn in the battle between two powerful vampires. When one has slain the other, the Necroscope will be the next to die!
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