Search Results for: dare

Showing 25-48 of 95 results for dare

The Shores of Death

The Shores of Death


Michael Moorcock

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With Earth teetering on the brink of extinction, only one man dares to defy the legacy of the Spaceraiders – Clovis Marca, the twilight man.

Long ago Earth, now fixed on her axis, with eternal day on one side, eternal night on the other and a ribbon of twilight in between, was ravaged by galactic raiders. Earthlings recovered, grew stronger. But now, unable to reproduce, the last humans are frenzied with final decadence. And fear.

Only Clovis Marca, the last man born on Earth, dares to brave infected space to seek the impossible solution. His dark quest leads him to face Orlando Sharvis, the scientist whose insane experiments on his own mind and body might just save the human race… but would that race then be more, or less, human?
Research Opta

Research Opta


Denis Hughes, Neil Charles

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From the unplumbed depths of new and startling fields of research a man, groping after the truth, contrived a group of life-forms of microscopic size. It was a daring experiment, made possible through the medium of advanced instruments and techniques which offered scope in the realms of micro-dissection. In that respect, then, the operation was successful: life-forms had been created by means of chromosomic manipulation. But the impact of the resulting entities was to have a disturbing effect on the man who made them…
People of Asa

People of Asa


Denis Hughes, Marvin Ashton

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Until the coming of the People of Asa, the world of Man went its own, often quarrelsome, way along the road of human advancement. There were many pitfalls on the road, conflict and misery often going hand-in-hand; but there was happiness as well. It was, for us and millions more, a happiness interrupted by the terrible advent of the worst scourge ever visited on Man – an alien invasion of the Earth’s surface by beings of diabolical power.

Rising from the deeps, wielding weapons hitherto beyond mortal conception, the Asans wrought havoc on a fearful scale. Picked out from our fellow men, we witnessed scenes of appalling chaos, experiencing as well a measure of the seeming magic of which these beings were capable. Only when all seemed lost did the fortunes of mankind change, and that in a manner we none of us dared to hope…



Pierre Benoit

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Atlantis, the legendary lost continent of wonders and marvels, has intrigued the mind of men for thousands of years. So when a daring young adventurer found a new clue to its actual whereabouts, he could not resist setting out to find it.
Retief and the Warlords

Retief and the Warlords


Keith Laumer

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Across the galaxies, against wrongdoers and rogues! Only Retief – the indomitable champion of the underdog and 27th-century diplomacy – can seal the peace between the battling earthlings and the lobster-like aliens known as the Haterakans. In constant peril, the daring spacewarrior must join a pirate band, cross the fatal boundaries of the Terran Defense League, and take on his arch rivals Foulbrood and Bloodblister. Facing certain torture, double-dealing, and ruthless espionage, he passes within inches of death. But he must emerge victorious – or the Hatracks will waste no time in executing their berserk plan to raise earthlings as a food supply!
Supernatural Stories featuring Twilight Ancestor

Supernatural Stories featuring Twilight Ancestor


Lionel Fanthorpe, Patricia Fanthorpe, R L Fanthorpe

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The Gliding Wraith: If he was really asleep in his chair why did he glide across the street?

Twilight Ancestor: Her evil power held the tribe in terror … only the stranger dared to oppose her.

The Man Who Never Smiled: The stranger never parted his lips, as though afraid of what he would reveal.

Fangs in the Night: Something evil and dangerous lurked in the shadows below the window.

An Eye for an Eye: He had forgotten about the hare in the trap … until his own life was in danger.
Pursuit Through Time

Pursuit Through Time


Jonathan Burke

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Pursuit Through Time depicts Clifford Marritt’s daring attempt to change the course of history by time-travelling into the past.
Cosmic Echelon

Cosmic Echelon


John Glasby, Berl Cameron

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The vast federation of outworld states that formed the Terran Empire smarted under the unjust, evil influence of the Emperor Jrun. Daily, his tax-gatherers swooped down on the member planets, wringing the people dry of money and goods.

But away from the decadent shell that Jrun had built up, out among the lonely suns of the Edge, a new power was growing. It had fallen on Kelda, the young star-king of Zandyr to form the union known as the Cosmic Echelon. A fleet of ships that dared to match the armed might of Imperial Terra.

The ultimate weapon belonged to Jrun, a battleship which no power could withstand, and a force that could shatter the bodies of men.

Here, you can follow Kelda and his warrior princess, Irrena, through the star-strewn wastes of Space; across the Dark Gap in which the empty wrecks of once proud vessels floated forever, manned by crews long-dead.

And realise as Jrun did, that there are two kinds of laws. Those made by Man himself, which can be broken – and the laws of the Universe, which are inviolate.
The Atlantic Tunnel

The Atlantic Tunnel


John Russell Fearn

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Deep beneath the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, scientists and engineers attempt the most daring and audacious scientific project of all time: the construction of an undersea tunnel between Great Britain and Canada; linking Land’s End with Labrador. Canadian and British teams work simultaneously at either end, to converge in the middle. Using scientific methods to fight the crushing pressure and geological and marine perils involved, the brave workers face a far greater hazard – the danger within – from saboteurs!
Piratica III: The Family Sea

Piratica III: The Family Sea


Tanith Lee

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Art Blastside in her third daring adventure upon the high seas.

It’s been eighteen months since Art’s baby was born: a pretty child called Africa, with Felix’s dark hair and Art’s grey eyes. Now Art, who dreamed of being like her own loving, wonderful Ma, must face up to the fact that she has absolutely no warm feeling for her child. In fact – Art can’t stand her! What’s wrong with her?

Beyond the family lies an unsettled world too. The French are still waging war, and England has fallen out of love with pirates. Piratomania has been suppressed by the government and Art and Felix are evicted from their cliff-top mansion.

The return of Ebad and the new and improved Unwelcome Stranger prompts Art to regroup her ragtag crew and sail once again across the oceans, through wild weather, bizarre places and riotous sea battles, to return to the Treasured Isle and learn the ultimate true secret behind the treasure and the mystery of why Art can’t love her child.
The Sorceress and the Cygnet

The Sorceress and the Cygnet


Patricia A. McKillip

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With hair the colour of the moon, Corleu was different from the other Wayfolk. He alone tried to free his wandering tribe from the unearthly swamp that ensnared them – and he alone dared to cross the forbidden threshold. There he found a strange dark house, a place of legends and gods, foreseen in the stars. And there, to save his people, began Corleu’s search for the heart of the Cygnet – and impossible treasure…

But if legends are real, nothing is impossible.
Space Trap

Space Trap


Lionel Fanthorpe, Patricia Fanthorpe, Thornton Bell

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They were trying out a new drive when a cosmic accident took them incalculable light years off course. A miracle of courage and astrogation meant than there were some survivors from the inevitable crash. The ship itself did not escape unscathed. What had been their vehicle became their prison. The buckled lock could not be opened from the inside and they had no other means of getting free. The air was slowly running out.

The planet they had hit was raw and primitive by their own standards, but it did hold intelligent life. One of the natives found the ship. Dare the trapped space travellers hope for a miracle? If they go out what kind of strange life forms would they be involved with? Could they hope to find the kind of raw materials which would get their crippled ship into space again? If not, could they face life sentences on this strange, unknown, primitive world . . . ?

Faced by a thousand fantastic difficulties the astronauts battled untiringly for their right to survive.
No Way Back

No Way Back


Lionel Fanthorpe, Patricia Fanthorpe, Karl Zeigfreid

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Along with progress in other spheres, criminology and remedial treatment for the socially unacceptable will undoubtedly make rapid strides in the Twenty-second and Twenty-third centuries.
Purely retributive justice is not a satisfactory answer to the enlightened Welfare Officer of the Future. Psychiatry, criminology and electronic mind control could combine into an entirely new concept of reclamation. In the right hands this would be an advance into something close to Utopia – in the wrong it would be leave 1984 looking like a pleasant week-end in the country.
This thoughtful new novel is a daring attempt to handle the deliucate theme of advanced criminology and the unresolved conflict of Society versus those who will not or cannot conform. Try as they will to be impersonal and humane, the psychiatrists of the future – even with electronic aids – will be as human as we are today. Their problems will be ours…



Lionel Fanthorpe, Patricia Fanthorpe, Bron Fane

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Most of the problems were solved in the 29th century. War was a memory. Disease was almost conquered. Old age and Death were held at bay. It was a glad world. A brave new world. Humanity had grown up. And then It came… At first the dare-devil pioneers from the far-flung corners of the universe brought back strange tales of a mountain that walked. The reign of terror spread from planet to planet, until the authorities sat up and took notice. By the time someone with enough initiative to re-open the long disused weapon shops, came on the scene, it was almost too late. Time was against them. Atomic bomb wouldn’t smash that creature, neither would heat rays nor energy bolts. It left a train of utter chaos and devastation behind it as it strode imperiously through the galaxy.
Lord Foul's Bane

Lord Foul's Bane


Stephen Donaldson

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Kicking off one of the most celebrated series in fantasy literature . . . and introducing Thomas Covenant, the legendary antihero, who is about to start a dark adventure like no other

He called himself Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever, because he dared not believe in the strange alternative world on which he suddenly found himself – the Land.

But the Land tempted him. As a leper, in his own world he had been an outcast, unclean, a pariah. Now he was regarded as a saviour, the reincarnation of the Land’s greatest hero – Berek Halfhand. Only the mystic powers of the white gold he carried could protect the Lords of the Land from the ancient evil of the Despiser, Lord Foul.

Yet Thomas Covenant had no idea how those powers could be tapped . . .

Readers love Lord Foul’s Bane:

‘It has to be one of the strangest, most frightening, and surrealistic fantasy worlds ever created . . . Stephen R Donaldson is my unsung hero of fantasy greatness. He is up there with the best’ Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

‘Thomas Covenant is a character unlike most you’ll probably see in other fantasy stories . . . if you are interested in high fantasy stories, a colourful setting rich in magic and lore, and enjoy broken main characters, this could be a great title for you’ Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

‘What I loved most about these stories: that nothing was easy or assured for the “Hero”. He was his own worst enemy . . . Yet, I rooted for Thomas’ Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

‘I remember thinking at the time that for as much as I liked the LOTR, the bad guys just weren’t bad enough . . . Lord Foul’s Bane answered those issues and then some’ Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

A classic in the genre that is quite unlike anything I’ve read before . . . believable and fascinating, despite being disturbing at times‘ Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

‘There are scenes in this series that literally had me in tears they were so moving and other scenes that made me put down the book in utter amazement . . . It will take your breath away‘ Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
James Blish SF Gateway Omnibus

James Blish SF Gateway Omnibus


James Blish

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Best known for his Hugo Award-winning classic A Case of Conscience, Blish was one of the first serious SF writers to involve themselves with tie-in novels, writing eleven Star Trek adaptations as well as the first original adult Star Trek novel, Spock Must Die. This omnibus contains three of his long out-of-print works: Black Easter, The Day After Judgement and The Seedling Stars.
BLACK EASTER: A gripping story about primal evil: a sinister intermingling of power, politics, modern theology, the dark forces of necromancy, and what proves, all too terribly, not to be superstition.

THE DAY AFTER JUDGEMENT: Develops and extends the characters from BLACK EASTER. It suggests that God may not be dead, or that demons may not be inherently self-destructive, as something appears to be restraining the actions of the demons upon Earth.

THE SEEDLING STARS: You didn’t make an Adapted Man with just a wave of the wand. It involved an elaborate constellation of techniques, known collectively as pantropy, that changed the human pattern in a man’s shape and chemistry before he was born. And the pantropists didn’t stop there. Education, thoughts, ancestors and the world itself were changed, because the Adapted Men were produced to live and thrive in the alien environments found only in space. They were crucial to a daring plan to colonize the universe.
Double Vision

Double Vision


Tricia Sullivan

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When shy, psychic bookworm ‘Cookie’ Orbach watches television, she sees things. But not the things that you or I would see. Cookie sees The Grid – a strange, shifting landscape where human forces battle against an enemy they dare not kill. Her employer, the mysterious Dataplex Corporation, pays her well to watch this war, and asks only that she report her observations but take no direct action, which suits her passive demeanour just fine.
But Cookie’s quiet life is about to be shattered. Her two very different worlds are threatening to merge in a way that shouldn’t really be possible. Everything is about to change. And we do mean everything…
The Winds of Time

The Winds of Time


Chad Oliver

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They were visitors from out of space.

They had slept for 15,000 years. But they were men. Nevertheless it was a fantastic experience for Wes Chase to discover them while on a casual fishing trip.

It was a long time before they were able to explain to Wes why they were on earth and what they needed. It was even longer before Wes conquered his horror and decided he could help them in their mission to bring peace to the universe.

When Wes finally found the daring answer to their problems, he realised that he would have to leave his own life behind and go with them into the future and the winds of time.
The Midas Deep

The Midas Deep


John Brosnan

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In the darkest depths of the Pacific lies a new, underwater frontier, where only the brave or the desperate dare to tread…
Experts from the West, to harvest rich minerals – and to spy.
The Russians, to further their plans for global domination.
A team of sadistic mercenaries hired to protect mammoth business interests.
And a British journalist, Christopher Maine, in search of a story – and the sinister truth.
Down on the ocean bed a giant submersible forages for hidden treasures. But then the forces of man and nature terrifyingly unleash disaster after disaster – until the survival of the world itself is at stake.
Dark Crusade

Dark Crusade


Karl Edward Wagner

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Kane the Mystic Swordsman encounters an ancient cult of evil. The cruel cult of Sataki has come to life again, and Orted Ak-Ceddi, a daring outlaw, is its prophet. Orted knows he must have a powerful cavalry to launch a new drive – and Kane is the man who can command the conquest. But Kane intends no final victory for the Forces of Darkness – he intends to rule the earth himself!
Space Suits

Space Suits


Charles Sheffield

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Lawyers in space?!

Well, yes. It’s a terrifying thought. But there are lawyers and lawyers. And then, there are Henry Carver and Waldo P. Burmeister. Sometimes it’s not clear if their greatest skill lies in getting their clients out of trouble – or getting themselves into it. Whether it’s Waldo doggedly trying to escape The Dalmation of Faust or Henry’s grim internal struggle against Parasites Lost, or the two working together, because so much is riding With the Knight Male, their adventures are sure to entertain every reader – and lead most to consider a long time before daring to seek legal representation.
Captain Future's Challenge

Captain Future's Challenge


Edmond Hamilton

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It was ten o’clock, solar time, when disaster struck. At exactly the same moment, gravium mines on Mercury, Mars and Saturn were totally destroyed by an unidentified army. Without gravium – the life-blood of interplanetary civilization – the system would perish.

Meanwhile, Captain Future struggled on the floor of a moving space craft, his arms and legs bound by steel ropes. He did not know why he’d been captured – only that the system was in grave danger – that he was needed…

As Captain Future was plunged through space, towards a deadly orb of flaming gases – the raging inferno of the sun – he planned his daring escape. It was to be the most dangerous gamble of his life.
Quest Beyond the Stars

Quest Beyond the Stars


Edmond Hamilton

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Mercury is slowly dying. Each year its air grows thinner. Each month thousands of broken Mercurians are ordered to leave their planet.

They have only one hope. Captain Future, the Solar System’s most daring agent, has promised to restore their world – a next to impossible task.

The solution lies beyond the stars…at the very core of the universe where no man has ventured before. There, in the shadow of doom, Captain Future meets the mightiest of all evil beings – creatures he may not live to describe…
Danger Planet

Danger Planet


Edmond Hamilton

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One million years back in the swirling, shrouded past, evil ultra-beings ruled the Planet Roo. Suddenly, unbelievably, they are alive again, threatening the universe with total destruction.

Only one man dares challenge the Evil Ones. He is Captain Future, inter-galactic agent of justice, whose identity is top secret, whose strength is ultimate. He sets out alone to stop the deathless menace creeping ever close…
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