RIP Ray Bradbury 1920-2012

Gollancz is very saddened to hear that Ray Bradbury, one of the masters of our genre, has passed away at the age of 91. This shouldn’t be a time for sadness – although it may be unavoidable at the loss of one who has meant so much to so many – but a time to celebrate and reflect on his achievements. From Fahrenheit 451 to The Martian Chronicles, from horror to SF, from short stories to novels, from prose to drama, from TV to film, he was a master artist. One of those rare few, a truly popular writer who also achieved literary recognition (I remember reading one of his short stories at school, and loving the fact that there was some SF in my school day), he was honestly and whole-heartedly loved.

He was still writing to the end, and we hope that there will be more, as yet unpublished, greatness to come.

So go and pick up a copy of your favourite piece of Bradbury, or find something you’ve never read before, and lose yourself for a few minutes or hours in his remarkable imagination. It’s the best way to remember and honour him.