Arthur C. Clarke
By the Author
The Exploration of Space
Arthur C. Clarke was renowned for his science fiction, but his understanding of the subject was more than imagined. First published in 1951, this painstakingly-researched…
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The Snows of Olympus
This is the story of how a world could be resurrected¿ Mars is a barren planet, almost without atmosphere and with a temperature ranging from…
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Islands in the Sky
When young Roy Malcolm won the aviation quiz contest, his prize should have meant an ordinary sight-seeing jaunt on one of the man-made space stations…
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The Garden of Rama
In the year 2130 a mysterious spaceship, Rama, arrived in the solar system. It was huge - big enough to contain a city and a…
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Rama Revealed
Years after the appearance in the solar system of the immense, deserted spaceship named by its discoverers Rama, a second craft arrived, destined to become…
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Profiles Of The Future
An inquiry into the limits of the possible. Our problems on Jupiter, Mercury, Venus - conquering Time - transport in the future - overcoming gravity…
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When the US Navy's new, state-of-the-art missile disappears after its test launch, panic ensues - if it ends up anywhere near civilians, the consequences could…
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Voices from the Sky
First published in 1965, this brilliant, prescient book is divided into three sections: The first concerns space travel and other aspects of the new space…
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Report on Planet Three
In addition to being one of Science Fiction's greatest writers, Sir Arthur C. Clarke was also one of our foremost thinkers and visionaries, producing a…
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The View from Serendip
Speculations on space, science and the sea together with fragments of an Equatorial Autobiography.
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Astounding Days
Arthur C. Clarke acquired his first science fiction magazine - a copy of Astounding Stories - in 1930, when he was 13. Immediately he became…
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How the World Was One
Arthur C. Clarke has been one of the most influential commentators on - and prophets of - the communications technology which has created the global…
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By Space Possessed
By Space Possessed brings together Clarke's essays on travel to the planets and beyond in a form where they can be read individually or as…
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Dolphin Island
A Story of the People of the Sea The adventure begins when Johnny, who has run away from home and hidden aboard an intercontinental hovership,…
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Prelude to Space
Divided between the tensions of behind-the-scenes preparations in London and the drama of the launch-pad in Australia, this vintage Arthur C. Clarke novel recounts the…
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The Deep Range
Since the beginning of time it had worked its will on humanity, and for as long as man could remember, he had struggled against its…