Search Results for: who-goes-there

Showing 1-24 of 45 results for who-goes-there

Who Goes Here?

Who Goes Here?


Bob Shaw

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Shot at by aliens, eaten up by monsters, frozen up, burned up and shipped all over the galaxy¿ war was one game Private Peace didn’t want to play. So why had he joined the Space Legion?

Warren Peace had joined the Space Legion to forget – exactly what, he hadn’t the faintest idea. But he was sure about one thing – however horrific the crime he’d once committed, the memory of it could hardly be more unbearable than life in the lunatic Space Legion. Private Peace knew he’d got to get out¿

The trouble was, the only way to escape his 30-year contract was to discover exactly why he’d signed it in the first place. And that meant a hair raising journey into his forgotten past to meet the one person Peace definitely didn’t want to know – Warren Peace Mark I – in other words, himself!
The D.A. Goes to Trial

The D.A. Goes to Trial


Erle Stanley Gardner

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The case started with a corpse. Nobody knew who he was. Next, a man named John Burke disappeared. But D.A. Doug Selby could not find his body.

Then Mrs Burke swore that the corpse and her missing husband were one and the same man. This should have solved both mysteries. All it did was run the D.A. up two different trees. Sure, the faces of the dead man and John Burke were exactly the same. The only trouble was that their fingerprints were different!

Impossible? That’s what Doug Selby thought too – until the killer struck again …
Kindness Goes Unpunished

Kindness Goes Unpunished


Craig Johnson

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The third book in the New York Times bestselling Longmire series, featuring Sheriff Walt Longmire.

Walt Longmire has been the Sheriff in Wyoming’s Absaroka County for 25 years, but nothing could have prepared him for the savage attack on his daughter, Cady, a Philadelphia lawyer who has unwittingly become embroiled in a political cover-up.

As Walt and his best friend, Henry Standing Bear, scour the city for clues, he gets help from his deputy Victoria Moretti and her family of Philly police. But Longmire wasn’t born yesterday. He’s willing to pull out all the stops to find Cady’s attacker and show the big city that this old-timer has a few moves left in his saddlebag of tricks.

‘Johnson’s pacing is tight and his dialogue snaps’ Entertainment Weekly
The Man Who Sold the Moon

The Man Who Sold the Moon


Robert A. Heinlein

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D. D. Harriman is a billionaire with a dream: the dream of Space for All Mankind. The method? Anything that works. Maybe, in fact, Harriman goes too far.

But he will give us the stars…
The Fingerprint

The Fingerprint


Anthony Gilbert

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A crime that isn’t reported; a mother who’s threatened…
Classic crime from one of the greats of the Detection Club

Out walking in the snow with her young son, Mike, Sara Drew is the only witness to a particularly unpleasant car accident in which an elderly lady and her dog are killed. Nervous of going to the scene of the accident with a child, she reluctantly goes home. There she meets one of the drivers, and is appalled that he has no intention of reporting the incident. And he also threatens to hurt her son if she goes to the police.

But when Mike is kidnapped she contacts Detective Arthur Crook, who takes over the case and counters the wiles of desperate criminals . . .
Marune: Alastor 933

Marune: Alastor 933


Jack Vance

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The second of the three ‘Alastor’ novels, a typical Vance story of a man who has lost his memory and is sent to the world Marune in the Alastor Cluster, which is believed to be his home. Once he has recovered his memory, he goes after the enemy who has caused its loss.
Come Morning

Come Morning


Joe Gores

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After eight hard years in San Quentin prison, Runyan is out and ready to lead a quiet life – an honest life. But certain people have been planning for the day of his release – people who desperately want the two million dollars in diamonds Runyan was carrying just before he went to jail … Like the insurance investigator who arranged his parole. A beautiful woman who wants him alive. The unknown killer who definitely wants him dead.

Runyan goes to recover the diamonds from where he has stashed them, so he can buy his way out … but the diamonds are gone. Now he must pull another robbery – something he swore never to repeat – and use the proceeds to stay alive.
The Slayer and the Slain

The Slayer and the Slain


Helen McCloy

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Harry Vaughan’s uncle has just passed away, providing the young man with a colossal fortune. Giving up his job, Harry goes back to his roots – and to Celia, the woman he loves.

But Harry Vaughan has lost part of his memory. He feels himself ten years older, suffers from headaches, meets people who know him but whom he doesn’t remember. When Celia’s husband is killed it becomes clear that someone is following Vaughan’s life. But who is this shadow and what do they want?

‘A real psychiatric shocker’ The Tablet
Split Second

Split Second


Garry Kilworth

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When a young boy, Richard, goes too close to a Wiederhaus Repeater (“greatest archaeological break-through ever. Expose any prehistoric remains to it and it creates, briefly, complete hologrammatic images of the people who were in contact with them and the scenes in which they existed.”), he finds himself sharing a body with Esk, a boy from the Palaeolithic era.
Headed for a Hearse

Headed for a Hearse


Jonathan Latimer

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With six days remaining until he goes to the electric chair for the murder of his wife, wealthy broker Robert Westland needs help, fast. He insists that he has been framed, and Bill Crane, a private detective with a method and manner all his own, must prove his client’s innocence.

In a mixture of the humorous and the macabre, Crane’s investigation, set against an evocative Depression-era backdrop, turns up more than a few queer characters – including a tight-lipped valet and a dypsomanic widow – who may or may not know something about who really murdered Mrs Westland.
Murder Red-Handed

Murder Red-Handed


Richard Grindal

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Unexpectedly sent to Moscow to manage his firm’s stand at a world fair, Cristopher Battle feels that he may not be up to the job. Then his chairman is murdered and, after the discovery of a second body, Battle is convinced that the Russian Security Police are trying to kill him.

Fearful of violence, Battle goes on the run – and becomes emotionally entangled with a beautiful Russian woman who creates an entirely fresh set of problems . . .
Codes of Betrayal

Codes of Betrayal


Dorothy Uhnak

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Irish-Italian detective Nick O’Hara, grandson of a Mafia don, knows who is responsible for his son’s death, but his hands are tied. Abandoned by his wife, he grows increasingly desperate, going into a tailspin from which he can see only one escape: revenge.

As Nick’s life goes into freefall, he must choose between duty, family loyalty and his desperate need for justice.
Computer World

Computer World


Mack Reynolds

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Something is rotten in tomorrow’s computer world¿

The time is in the not-too-distant future. Physical work is done by robot devices. Men and women are endowed at birth with a sum of credit called Inalienable Basic. Everyone operates with a Universal Credit Card – which is also identification, police record, medical record, and many other things. Every detail of life in the United States of the Americas is stored in the International Data Center, located in Denver.

Paul Kosloff, a language teacher who lectures over National Tri-Vision is rescued from a mysterious assault by a secret agent of the authorities who insists that only he, Kosloff, can prevent the International Data Center from being destroyed – and every living being’s data wiped out.

Kosloff goes forth – into a maelstrom of plot and counter-plot, murder, treason – and worse¿
Be Kind to the Killer

Be Kind to the Killer


Henry Wade

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Detective Constable Henry Campion turns lone avenger when his childhood friend and colleague DC Fred Jordan is shot dead by a gangster who is spared the death sentence. And Campion is convinced there were two killers. To try to catch the second, Campion goes undercover as a spiv in a King’s Cross nightclub, the Full Moon.

But Campion’s adventures at the Full Moon draw him deeper into gangland, and closer to the woman of his dreams – his dead friend’s widow . . .

But is it love, or is Anne Jordan using Campion for her own ends?
The Spirit Box

The Spirit Box


Stephen Gallagher

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Rachel’s in trouble. She’s a ticking bomb. A couple of co-workers bullied her into stealing a radical new drug from their employer, and now it’s lodged inside her. They’re watching her like hawks and her time’s running out.

John Bishop runs security for the company. As a father who once lost a teenaged daughter to an accidental overdose, his drive to hunt down the thieves and rescue their victim grows more intense with every lost minute. He can never bring his own kid back. But he can save someone else’s.

Which is fine until the company realises that if the swallowed package bursts and Rachel dies, their secrets are kept safe and their problem goes away.

Though Bishop’s on the trail, he’s an easy man to cut loose and discredit. But now he’s Rachel’s only hope. Either the package will burst, or the boys will cut her open to get it. They’re so convinced it will make them rich that they’ll kill anyone who tries to take her, and hunt down anyone who succeeds.

It can’t end well. For somebody.
The Man in the Cage

The Man in the Cage


Jack Vance

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Noel Hutson considers himself a gentleman adventurer-but running guns in Morocco during Algeria’s revolution, he gets more than he bargained for.
Noel goes missing, and his brother Darrell Hutson comes to Tangier to search. Darrell soon finds himself immersed in a shady world of ruthless smugglers and nationalist Muslim fanatics.
When Noel disappeared, he took with him an enormous payment. Both sides think Darrell will lead them to it.
The stakes are unimaginably high-and Darrell isn’t the only one who could get hurt.
And Death the Prize

And Death the Prize


Richard Grindal

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With the Entente Cordiale still in its infancy, the Sûreté had assigned Inspector Gautier to keep a protective eye on English visitors to Paris for the racing at Longchamps. But it was not the English who engaged Gautier’s attention, but an Irish surgeon – Michael Breen.

Breen, fêted by the ladies of Paris, is accused of a trivial assault – and almost at once Princess Hélène’s daughter goes missing and a shop assistant at Au Bon Marché is found dead just as Breen flees the country. Inspector Gautier is hot on his heels to Dublin, whilst a third murder back in Paris complicates the affair for all involved.
The Destruction of the Temple

The Destruction of the Temple


Barry N. Malzberg

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The year is 2016, and President Kennedy is being murdered – again and again and again.

The director has come to the charred ruins of New York to re-enact a mad dream from the past – the assassination of President Kennedy. As actors, he has the primitive race who inhabit the city. With them and his glamorous, dark haired lover, he rehearses everything – the motorcade, the shots, the panic.

But at the last moment it all goes wrong. When the flower-filled limousine rounds the bend, the passenger is not Kennedy – but the Director himself.

Shots ring out in a wild explosion of roses.
Driving Lessons

Driving Lessons


Ed McBain

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A driving lesson goes terribly worng. A random accident – or something more sinister?

Tragedy strikes when sixteen-year-old Rebecca Patton fatally injures a woman while having a driving lesson. The driving instructor, Andrew Newell, appears to be drunk at the crime scene, and Detective Katie Logan reckons this is a case of vehicular homicide. But when a handbag is retrieved, the victim is discovered to be Newell’s wife.

Tough, gritty, full of atmosphere, and with characters who engage you from the very first page, here is Grand Master Ed McBain at the top of his form.
Unfinished Crime

Unfinished Crime


Helen McCloy

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When Sara Dacre comes across a large red pendant at a twenty cent jewellery stall she is tempted to buy it – especially when she bumps into her friend Gerry Hone, who persuades her that it will brighten up her old grey taffeta.

But soon she finds herself at the centre of some strange events. On leaving the shop she and Gerry witness the scene of an accident – but nobody can agree what happened. And when Gerry takes her to an automat for coffee he goes to the counter to order – and never comes back …

‘Explosive’ Birmingham Post



E.C. Tubb

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Earl Dumarest still seeks the mythical planet Earth . . . still roams alien and violent worlds. With him goes Mayenne, whose songs create joy and passion – or forgetfulness.

Together they are cast up on Tormyle, a planet from another galaxy; a planet unique throughout the Universe. For Tormyle is sentient – the most powerful intelligence in the Cosmos, constantly recreating itself.

Tormyle can be Paradise or Hell. Tormyle can manifest as a dragon or a knight on horseback, faceless behind the helmet. Tormyle understands nothing of humanity, of men and women, of emotion. And Tormyle will let no-one escape who cannot answer the unanswerable.

(First published 1973)
Warren Peace: Dimensions

Warren Peace: Dimensions


Bob Shaw

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Warren Peace joined the Space Legion to forget – and forget what it was he wanted to forget. In his quest to find out who he’d been he got turned into an Oscar by a symbiotic alien parasite.

Oscars are invulnerable superbeings, immune to everything and with no need for air, food or drink, let alone sex and drugs and rock’n’roll. Marooned on an airless planet with a whole bunch of them, Warren is bored witless.

Then a chance encounter with a lump of pryktonite turns him back into a human, and Warren embarks on a new career- as a galactic troubleshooter. His first mission takes him (with a couple of Oscars providing the muscle) to a water-covered planet where a company producing a mind-blowing drug is having trouble with its alien work force. It seems they’re smuggling alien porn mags on to the planet, and are too…tired to work. Warren sets out to find the solution…

Warren Peace is the second bizarre episode in the series that began with Who Goes Here? By the acclaimed author of Orbitsville and the Ragged Astronauts trilogy.
Exceptions to Reality

Exceptions to Reality


Alan Dean Foster

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As is evident from his many thrilling novels, Alan Dean Foster is a master at creating other worlds in an array of genres. Now he turns his imagination to the short story in these spectacular tales of outer space, cyberspace, ancient gods, modern demons and mortal horror, including:

The Panhandler – A predatory lawyer encounters a fabled boyhood hero and falls victim to the less innocent intrigues of eternal youth.

Growth – Not even his minidrag Pip can save Flinx from the overly intimate advances of an intruder who goes entirely too far.

Basted – A lowly, hen-pecked Egyptian discovers that the Pharaoh’s tomb holds exactly what he needs for a whole new life.

The Killing of Bad Bull – A man with a knack for getting gambling’s one-armed bandits to give it up finds himself at the top – of several hit lists.

At Sea – A poor Scandinavian captain forced into running drugs is shown a way out of his desperate straits with the help of five beautiful blondes who are simply out-of-this-world.
Third Crime Lucky

Third Crime Lucky


Anthony Gilbert

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An ordinary couple – but wherever they go, death follows…
Classic crime from one of the greats of the Detection Club

Mr Cobb is the third elderly invalid to die conveniently, if unexpectedly, in the house of Fred and Bessie Meadows. Yet who could suspect this responsible, honest couple? Nothing is too much trouble, yet wherever they go, death goes too. But their third crime involves them with Arthur Crook, and that’s when their luck turns.

Fans of the lawyer-sleuth know that his arrival on the scene brings action, and that every sort of cunning will be employed to ensure the innocent are kept safe and the guilty … trapped.

‘No author is more skilled at making a good story seem brilliant’ Sunday Express
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